World of Wellness

A travel trends survey by Booking.com reports that nearly one in five people plan to incorporate health and wellness into this year’s travel plans. That’s nearly double the amount outlining health-themed trips just one year ago. Walking tops the list of popular wellness activities, with 56 percent of survey recipients planning to explore destinations on […]

Wine Watch

With summer wrapping up and shorter days just ahead, Monterey County’s grape growers are preparing for another busy harvest season. More than 40 different varietals are grown locally, thanks to microclimates that create ideal growing conditions for both reds and whites. Approximately 85 vintners and growers operate at Monterey County’s 175 vineyards. The sheer volume […]

Why We Chase Adventure

What does “adventure travel” mean to you? For some, it’s climbing distant peaks or parachuting from a plane. For others, adventure simply means discovering an under-the-radar destination. The Intrepid Adventure Travel Index survey explores what motivates adventure travelers by asking a simple question: Why do we chase adventure? The Australia-based study uncovered some of the […]

Revitalizing Cannery Row

In 1908, decades before Cannery Row became a buzzing destination that draws some four million guests annually, the Pacific Fish Company established a location along the old Ocean View Boulevard. Similar operations followed, and the local fishing industry flourished. By 1918, the district produced 1.4 million cases of sardines. At the height of Monterey’s sardine […]

A New Year’s Toast

As this year winds down, it’s time to pause and acknowledge all that went well over the past 12 months. Coastal Monterey is a sublime place to reflect on the good, prepare for new challenges and celebrate victories big and small. As you consider how to kick off the new year, why not plan a […]

Cannery Row at 60

Over the past 60 years, Cannery Row has evolved from a diamond in the rough to a storied destination that welcomes millions of guests each year. The former coastal fishing hub that saw new life through the words of John Steinbeck today features historical highlights, culinary treasures, upscale inns and extraordinary scenic beauty. Six decades […]

Fishing for a Future

Individuals from many cultural backgrounds helped shape Monterey’s fishing history, including both native residents and immigrants from Asia and Europe. As they arrived from different homelands, these early settlers sought out different fishing opportunities—and, each community added to the cultural vibrancy of today’s Cannery Row. Here’s how the Monterey Bay’s fishing timeline unfolded, aided by […]

Engaging Options

Sweethearts everywhere will celebrate their love on February 14, but some couples will go beyond traditional roses and candy by getting engaged on Valentine’s Day. Looking for unique ways to pop the question? Monterey’s spectacular coastline, romantic inns and one-of-a-kind activities make this destination an ideal place for making things official. Take Valentine’s Day to […]

Resolution Roundup

It’s resolution season, and that means many of us are busy recording goals and dreaming about a happier, more productive year ahead. Research shared by Statista, an online outlet the breaks down statistics and studies from around the globe, suggests that nearly 40 percent of us put eating healthier, exercising more and saving money on […]

Super Sunday

Sports bars and restaurants pack this five-block coastal lane and the surrounding avenues, offering pedestrian-friendly options for an afternoon gathering or a full weekend getaway. For a traditional game day experience, meet friends at The Salty Seal Brewpub and Sports Bar. With plenty of televisions, plus a spacious outdoor patio, it’s a comfortable, casual spot […]

An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row