Free and Fresh

When summer sunshine beckons, few places are more enticing than coastal Monterey. Spectacular shoreline, punctuated by pretty parks and historic architecture, serves as an awe-inspiring backdrop for dining, shopping or simply strolling along the waterfront. Cannery Row parallels this part of the Monterey Bay, and it’s a great place to soak up the sun. Plus, […]

Monterey Mementos

Traveling leads to priceless memories, whether you’re enjoying a quick day trip or a long, leisurely week away. Sometimes, however, we want to remember those adventures with more than great stories and some framed photos. In Monterey, boutiques and local retailers carry a wide range of mementos ranging from custom jewelry and California art to […]

Open-air Dining

Fans of Monterey County’s low-key cafes and white-tablecloth establishments know that local flavors headline menus of all types. Here, Salinas Valley produce and fish caught fresh from the Monterey Bay are among the top menu items. Wine lists spotlight reds and whites from some 85 Monterey County vintners and growers. On Cannery Row, restaurants with […]

An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row
An unforgettable setting
Cannery Row